Ima-jet Imidacloprid Insecticide


Ima-jet from Arborjet is a micro-injectable systemic insecticide for the management of specific insect pests of forests, trees, landscape ornamentals and interior plantscapes. Contains an injectable version of imidacloprid. Now available in the drop-down menu is Ima-Jet for sale for Canadians.

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Ima-jet from Arborjet is a micro-injectable systemic insecticide for the management of specific insect pests of forests, trees, landscape ornamentals and interior plantscapes. Contains an injectable version of imidacloprid. Now available in the drop-down menu is Ima-Jet for sale for Canadians.


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Effective treatment for: Adelgids (including Hemlock Woolly Adelgid), Aphids, Black Vine Weevil larvae, Buprestid Borers (including Bronze Birch Borer, Emerald Ash Borer) Flatheaded Borers, Gall Wasps (including Erythrina Gall Wasp), Japanese Beetle, Leaf Beetles (including Elm and Willow Leaf Beetles), Lacebugs, Leafhoppers, Leaf miners, Longhorned Borers (including Eucalyptus Longhorned Beetles), Mealybugs, Pine Tip Moth larvae, Plant Bugs (including Leaf-footed Bugs), Psyllids, Royal Palm Bugs, Sawfly larvae, Soft Scale Insects, Thrips, Whiteflies

Application & Usage:  IMA-jet is for use on ornamentals in residential, commercial and interior plantscapes. IMA-jet is a systemic insecticide formulated to translocate in the plant vascular system from the microinjection site(s). To assure optimum effectiveness, this product must be placed into the active sapwood.  For optimum control, trees should be thoroughly irrigated prior to injection treatment.