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Samson True Blue 1/2in Climbing Rope


1/2in Samson True Blue Rope 12-Strand Rope, Solid Braid construction, Grizzly Splicable on both ends except 600 reels.

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1/2in Samson True Blue Rope 12-Strand Rope, Solid Braid construction, Grizzly Splicable on both ends except 600 reels.


True-Blue braided climbing rope is a unique combination of extrusion set blue polyester fibers, wrapped over a white polyester core, in a Samson 12-strand dura-tite braid. The outer blue polyester fibers have Samson's parallay fiber orientation that minimizes fiber wear on rough surfaces and prolongs rope working life.

If none of that makes sense to you, then consider the fact that True Blue remains one of, if not the, top selling climbing lines in the tree climbing industry. For price and construction, this all-polyester line will give your climbers a confidence building and reliable line for many climbs to come. True Blue has gained a devoted following for very good reasons.

Added eyes by Rope Logic include Scannable compatibility for track and trace capability.

Climbing Rope Specifications Chart (PDF)

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